Boost Panel Durability

Solar panels face wear and tear from sand, debris, and dust particles present in the environment. Dust particles and debris can cause chipping or scratches or crack on the panel that eventually decreases its efficiency.

Aesthetic Appeal

Most homeowners do not want dirty and aged-looking solar equipment adorning their roofs. The solar panels should undergo regular cleaning, similar to the rest of the house. Therefore, it is imperative that you clean and takes care of the solar panels regularly.

Furthermore, proper maintenance will make your home or building appear more aesthetically appealing to you and your guests.

Improve ROI Time

Solar panels are expensive to purchase and hence perceived as an investment. Therefore, to get the ROI (return on investment) quickly requires that you clean the panels frequently as per the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Frequent cleaning of the solar panel enhances its efficiency since more sunlight reaches the solar cells and thus improving the ROI. Furthermore, proper cleaning lowers energy costs in a custom system connected to the national power grids.

Rainwater is Ineffective

Most homeowners with solar panels fail to clean the solar panels because they live in areas where it often rains and assumes rainwater will remove the dirt. Rainwater holds debris in the panel and leaves accumulated grime once the water evaporates. The layer left behind forms a layer that blocks sunlight penetration to the solar panel cells.

Improved Efficiency

Most panels are installed on house roofs that expose the equipment to trees, debris, and dirt buildup on the panels resulting in almost 30% energy loss.

Cleaning solar panels are similar to cleaning typical windows, and research indicates that frequent cleaning boosts its overall efficiency. Regular washing removes the dirt on the solar panels that diminish the maximum collection of sunlight.


Regular cleaning of the panels is one of the critical requirements of a solar equipment warranty. Most companies offer a guarantee that homeowners installing solar panels must follow the terms such as regular cleaning so that defective equipment is replaced.

You must prove regularly clean the panels for manufacturers to honor the warranty in case of a malfunction.